
  • Colours: Acquario, Calce, Lichene, Malta, Mica, Perla, Caolino, Carbone, Tufo
  • Brand: Marca Corona (Italy)
  • Size: 120x120, 120x120x20, 120x278, 30x60, 80x80, 80x80x20, 60x120, 60x60
  • Variation: V3 - Moderate to Considerable Variation
  • Material: Full-Body Coloured Porcelain

The Marca Corona floor and wall coverings series Multiforme is inspired by the world of resins and cements. Multiforme fine full-body coloured porcelian has a broad range of colours and sizes available, as well as Natural, Grip and Structured finishes for that indoor to outdoor flow. Perfectly complemented by the Multiforme 1741 range. Multiforme is also available in the higher thickness of 2 cm.

Multiforme Catalogue


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